Lazy days and Independence Day



Finished – Charles Reade’s A Woman-Hater

Run – .5 miles

Zumba – 1 hour

Great class. Managed to get slightly better night’s sleep the night before, so getting up for class was less of a chore than usual.

Finished Charles Reade’s A Woman-Hater (1877). Learned that if you flirt with ballet dancers when your opera singer wife has stepped out of the room, you will break your spine and die.


Finished – Henry James’s The Bostonians

Run – .5 miles

Body weight circuit – x2

Zumba – 1 hour

Finished Henry James’s The Bostonians before lunch. I felt pretty mixed about it (I read it because there’s a woman doctor in it for about 50 pages), but it was overall not bad. I went to the gym after a long-ish day of working on an article and intended to use it to clear my head, since the revisions on this thing were killing me. Got in a .5 mile warm-up and two rounds of the body weight circuit before I headed to class. I fully (fully!) intended to stay, but our usual teacher was out, and I REALLY didn’t want to deal with a sub. So, I went home, worked for a little, practiced German and did a home-brew Zumba class. This was my favorite song I did (don’t ask me how I found it, because I legitimately have no idea):


Run – 2 miles

I spent the day doing some work and running some errands (including five loads of laundry. Oi). Kept the run short, since my legs were still feeling a little beat up from the day before.


Run – 2 miles

Celebrated the holiday a day in advance with some fireworks, food, and friends at Blossom Music Center, but preceded it with a two mile run.


the girls



Gym closed. Took the day too sleep late and laze around reading and writing before bingeing on “Twin Peaks” in the evening.



This was supposed to be a race day (5K), but I accidentally shut my alarm off before I woke up for the race. Wah wah. Felt pretty weird the rest of the day – didn’t sleep well – so spent most of the day packing for Hawaii and cleaning.


Run – 2.5 miles

Body weight circuit – x2

First day of summer teaching, and it felt nice (if a bit harried) to get back into the swing of teaching a class. Worked on the article I’m presenting at NAVSA next week – hoping to get the full version drafted tomorrow.

Total miles: 7.5

Total books: 2




Zumba – 1 hour

A good class, but I felt a little off-balance (literally – I had trouble on some of the more challenging lunges), due to a lack of sleep the night before. Still breaking in the new shoes too, so I’m sure that also had something to do with it. I was feeling pretty burnt out generally, so I took the rest of the day for rest and a little decompressing.


Run – .5 miles (warm-up to the gym)

Zumba – 1 hour

Instructor pushed us hard in class, which I’m normally on board with. I’d spent the day at a baseball game with my family and regretted the burger I had afterward, since I started feeling nauseated about halfway in. Pushed through, but I need to be more cautious about pre-workout meals, apparently.


Run – 2.5 miles @ avg. 5.0 mph pace (pushed speed increases from 4.7 – 5.5 every .1 mi or so)

Body weight circuit – 2x

  • 30 body weight squats
  • 10 push ups
  • 20 walking lunges
  • 10 dumbbell rows (w/10 lb dumbbell)
  • 30 second plank
  • 30 Jumping Jacks

Felt good overall during this workout. I slept a lot the night before (at least nine hours), so felt a whole lot better than the previous two days. A little queasy afterward, so I’m going to pay closer attention to nutrition, since I suspect the diet (not enough protein?) is what threw my stomach off after this workout and the one on Wednesday.


Run – 2 miles

This run was supposed to be longer but was feeling tired after a day of working on articles.


Run – 1 mile

Zumba – 1 hour

Body weight circuit – 2x

  • 30 body weight squats
  • 10 push ups
  • 20 walking lunges
  • 10 dumbbell rows (w/10 lb dumbbell)
  • 30 second plank
  • 30 Jumping Jacks

Felt strong through this workout overall, although ravenous afterward.


Rest day

Clearly pushed too hard the previous day, since I was wiped out. Decided to take an extra day off and felt better for it. Missed the yoga, but needed the extra race.


Rest day


Overall, alongside continuing to pay attention to nutrition, I think one of my major goals over the next few weeks is to make sure that I’m not missing sleep, especially with the amount of travel I’m going to be doing this month. That’s where a lot of the lack of energy for working out and some of the burnout from academic work are coming from.

Total miles: 6

Total days of cross-training: 3