January Wrap-up

Month in Review, Reading, Running

Apologies for the (nearly) two week delay of my January mileage and book-age. I blame reading for my master’s exam for making my brain implode at the end of the month and preventing me from making a post. I’m hoping to be more consistent when I actually get in the habit of blogging on a regular basis and when I join a running club.

January miles: 53 miles
January books: 7 books
Book list:
Throne of Jade – Naomi Novik
Black Powder War – Naomi Novik
Middlemarch – George Eliot
The Seven Types of Ambiguity – William Empson
A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories – Flannery O’Connor
Song of the Earth – Jonathan Bate
Oroonoko, The Rover, and Other Works – Aphra Behn

Overall, not a bad month at all. I’m still building my base running-wise, so I’m hoping that my mileage will perk up in the next few weeks. As far as reading goes, Middlemarch was a bear and took up a lot of reading time, something which is likely to be an issue until I take my exam in March.